I help service-based entrepreneurs make more money in less time by simplifying, automating, and streamlining their business.

Can you relate to any of this?

  • You started your business because you love what you do (and, not to brag, but you’re pretty damn good at it). But right now you spend more time doing the administrative stuff to make your business run than doing the thing you love and do best.

  • You thought having a business meant you could work when and how you want, but now you’re maxed out on time and have no room to grow or take on more clients.

  • Your business has taken over your entire life. You thought entrepreneurship meant more freedom, but you’re living the cliche of “work 40 hours a week for someone else or 80 hours a week for yourself.”

If any of that feels familiar, I’m here to help.

Hi, I’m Megan.

I’m a Certified Online Business Manager® and a nerd about all things efficiency and automation.

But not for the reasons you may think.

Sure, I love Dubasdo and Asana as much as the next person. But the real reason I love streamlining processes and automating workflows is because it gives you back the most precious and valuable resource in all the world: your time.

The first time I got a taste of this was in the summer of 2014.

I was interning at a Big 4 accounting firm in Washington, D.C. My first day on the job, my manager handed me 1,000+ row spreadsheet and said, “Go through each line and add a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’ based on what’s listed in column A.”

Little did he know, I’d just taken an Excel class the past spring semester, so I knew there was a formula that could do this for me in about 3 seconds.

After 10 minutes of Googling and troubleshooting, I handed it back to him and said, “This is done. What would you like for me to do next?”

He was dumbfounded. “You finished already? Let me see.”

[insert long pause + slightly confused expression]

“That was supposed to take four hours. I don’t have anything else for you right now. Just sit at your desk and wait until our meeting this afternoon.”

So for the next 3 hours and 45 minutes, I did nothing.

And that was pretty much my life for the next 12 weeks: finish work early, sit, snack, and wait for 4 hours until it was time to go home (because you HAD to be in the office for at least 8 hours every day).

I learned a few things about myself that summer:

  1. Corporate life is NOT for me. Nothing wrong with it; just ain’t my speed.

  2. I work efficiently as fuck. I can’t explain it. My brain is always looking for patterns, making checklists, and trying to figure out the fastest, most efficient way to accomplish a task, whether it’s washing the lids for my homemade yogurt jars or creating a client onboarding workflow. (Well, my partner Joseph’s homemade yogurt jars. He makes the yogurt. I just clean up after.)

  3. I love wasting my own time, but I hate having my time wasted involuntarily. What I mean is, I can spend a full day sitting on my front porch, sipping tea, journaling, daydreaming, and letting the time pass. But I don’t want to sit in a 2-hour meeting that accomplishes nothing or be forced to stay in an office for 8 hours a day twiddling my thumbs because 40-hour workweeks are “company policy”.

Since that summer, I’ve worked with startups in various roles and industries.

But the one thing I’ve always brought to the table: finding ways to systemize, streamline, and automate wherever possible.

Sometimes that means documenting customer service processes so they can be handed off to a virtual assistant. Sometimes it means creating a Dubasdo automated workflow to handle leads and client onboarding.

Nothing makes me giddy like saving my clients 5, 10, 15+ hours a week in their business. I mean, think about it – what better gift is there than the gift of time?

How they use that time is up to them.

Some use it to take on more clients and increase their revenue.

Some spend less time working and more time with their friends and family.

And some implement a 4-day workweek so they can veg out on Fridays and rewatch Gilmore Girls for the 17th time. (That’s me. I do that.)

 If you had 15 extra hours a week, what would you do with them?

The Juicy Stuff

If you’re anything like me, you didn’t just come to this page for a sales pitch about how much time I can save you in your business. You came here to be nosey.

You want the juicy, nitty-gritty, who-are-you-really kind of stuff. So here are some more personal facts about me:

  1. I grew up in a small town in southwest Virginia where I lived on a farm with my dad and in low-income housing with my mom.

  2. For a brief stint in middle/early high school, I showed Simmental heifers. At 4-H cow/calf camp (very different from band camp) I won the “most improved” award because by the time I left I wasn’t afraid to stand next to my heifer anymore.

  3. One time, my grandaddy said to me, “You know, I got in a hurry once, and I didn’t like it. So I haven’t done it since.” And I felt that in my bones. I strive to be as zen and live-in-the-moment as that man.

  4. Before meeting my partner, Joseph, I lived on cookie dough and Velveeta mac and cheese. Now I’m reading books about the gut microbiome and eating homemade yogurt. And it’s all his fault.

  5. At any given time, I’m reading between 3 and 10 non-fiction books (mostly personal development). And I may finish half of them.

  6. If you’re into personality tests, I’m an INFP, Enneagram 9, Obliger (Four Tendencies), and every career test I’ve ever taken has told me I should be a teacher.

  7. My comfort shows/movies are Gilmore Girls, Parks & Rec, Pride & Prejudice, and New Girl. I could literally rotate between just these and never get sick of them.

  8. I have the sweetest dog in the world, Benny. Nicknames include: booger, booger butt, Benny butt, puppy butt, and basically anything followed by “butt.”

  9. If you pass me driving down the street, there’s a 99% chance I’m blaring Ray LaMontagne, Sugar Ray, Hozier, John Legend, or some 2000s R&B.

  10. I’ve struggled immensely for years with showing up authentically online. For a while, I didn’t even know what that meant for me or if I even believed in the concept of “authenticity.” This page is my best attempt at showing you who I am. If we work together, you’ll get the foul-mouthed, overly casual, baggy-jeans-and-sweatpants-wearin’ human you see here.